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Letter: Possible government shutdown

Ian A. Waitz

If Congress fails to pass new legislation to fund the government beyond March 14, 2025, the government will shut down until Congress can approve a spending bill.

Possible U.S. government shutdown: Information for the MIT research community

MIT is closely monitoring the annual spending process in Washington, D.C., and making preparations to mitigate the impacts of a potential government shutdown on the Institute’s research enterprise.

Letter: Rohit Karnik to lead J-WAFS as director

Ian A. Waitz

Rohit Karnik has been appointed to lead the Abdul Latif Jameel Water & Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS) as director, effective March 1, 2025.

Letter: Resources for postdocs

Ian A. Waitz

Information for postdoctoral scholars regarding research funding, federal policy updates, and relevant resources.

Changes to federal research policy: Information for the MIT community

MIT Office of the Vice President for Research

The Institute is assessing and evaluating the initial impacts of the executive actions and new agency guidance we are aware of to date. This page requires Touchstone login.

Video: State of the MIT Research Enterprise

Office of the Vice President for Research

This video for the MIT research community provides an overview of MIT’s research funding environment through FY24 and current trends. Touchstone login is required. For additional context, read VPR Ian Waitz’ article in the latest Faculty Newsletter.

Letter: Update on the NIH indirect cost rate

Ian A. Waitz

As a result of legal action, MIT’s current facilities and administrative (F&A) rates, for NIH and all other federal agencies, remain unchanged for now, until further action from the court.

Letter: Response to proposed cuts by the NIH

Sally Kornbluth

President Kornbluth’s letter to the MIT community describes the potential impact of a recent announcement by the National Institutes of Health and shares the actions MIT is taking in response.

Letter: Guidance on federal funding

Ian A. Waitz

MIT is intensely focused on assessing all available information. A new internal web page offers a central source for the facts, and we will continue to update it.

Letter: Minimum postdoc salary/stipend, 2025

Ian A. Waitz

The 2025 minimum salary/stipend for MIT postdoctoral scholars (associates and fellows) will increase in two stages.

What’s New in VPR Research Administration

Several of the functional teams within the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) that support MIT research administration have made modest organizational changes recently to benefit PIs and our administrative colleagues in the DLCIs.

Letter: J-WAFS leadership transition

Ian A. Waitz

The letter announces a search for the next director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS). John Lienhard has decided to step down as director, as he plans to retire in 2025.